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Thursday 19 March 2015

Week 2- Reflection1 Mobile Phone Wiki's- De Bono's Thinking Hats

Week 2- Mobile Phone Wiki Blog Reflection 

As I sit here now typing this blog, I begin to wonder where everyone's mobile phones are sitting right now. I wish I could take a picture because my phone is on the desk with me, it has become a part of me and I never want it to leave my side. I use it for playing music, entertaining myself with games (Candy Crush). emails, social media and communication with the outside world. This weeks readings really got me thinking,

  "Can generation Y live without mobile phones??? 

In this week's blog reflection I will be talking about mobile phone use in classrooms debate, where I had to share my thoughts in a Wiki Space using "De Bono's Thinking Hats". For those who are not familiar with "De Bono's Thinking Hats" I have embedded a short video below.

"De Bono's Six Thinking Hats"
Click the video to start playing.

In this week's activity, we had to put our thinking hats on and discuss in groups the concept of mobile phone use in classrooms. The six different coloured hats is a brilliant way of sharing your idea's and looking at a topic from all different angles. My favourite two colour hats were the Red and Green hats, as I am used to expressing my initial feelings and sharing my creativity and new ideas. I found for an easier understanding of each individual hat I referred back to this image I found on another online blog-

Mister Cooke's Teaching Blog
Before completing this Wiki activity, it really got me thinking about my earlier statement "Can generation Y live without mobile phones". My early indications were that there is no way mobile phones can be used in classrooms as kids will use them disrespectfully. After putting all 6 different thinking hats on and sharing my point of view and then reading other people's ideas along the way, it made me change my thinking slightly I guess, yes today's generation Y cannot live without their mobile phones, but can we implement classroom activities, timetable reminders and various technological advances to make life easier as a student and a teacher. Only time will tell I guess....

While completing this De Bono's Thinking Hats activity I thought about the learning theories that I experienced in this topic and with the use of an online wiki were "Social Constructivism" and "Connectivism". Social Constructivism was considered as being the online Wiki Space as it collaborated everyone's ideas into one. Connectivism was then considered as using the online Wiki as a technology.

The wiki activity was some what of a learning experience for myself as I have never looked at a wiki space prior to this week. I found the wiki easy to participate in and the interaction with other students in this subject was interesting as we all shared different ideas when wearing all six of the "De Bono's Thinking Hats". If this Wiki outline was used as an online interactions for students in a high school setting I believe they would enjoy the fact that they are using a computer to learn and engage with fellow class mates and friends. A little fault I found in this wiki activity would be the ease to delete or change what fellow students have written. The teacher must also monitor the Wiki for cyber-bullying as some students will take any chance given to bully others over the internet.

I am looking forward to learning more about Wiki's over the rest of the term.

Until we speak again. Happy blogging guys.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew
    I like how you mentioned the other peoples responses on the Wiki activity where able to make you consider a different point of view and even slightly change your way of thinking. I must admit there where some very credible points noted on the Wiki which also opened my considerations to the discussion topic. I believe this is the important learning from the Wiki activity as everyone's point of view is expressed and it creates a open forum.
    Keep up the good work.
